We will be pleased to help you with validation of your European granted patent in Poland, which requires translation of the entire text of the patent specification into Polish.
We handle validations of European patents in all technical areas, particularly chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, chemical and process engineering, as well as mechanics, electrical engineering, electronics, and information technology.
We cooperate with a number of expert translators, all of whom, through many years of cooperation with us, have proved not only their language skills, but also deep knowledge of a particular technical field and patent terminology. They typically hold Ph.D. degree or professorship in the field of science closely related to the subject of translated patent. All translated texts are further double-checked by a paralegal and patent attorney responsible for a particular case in order to ensure that both faithfulness to the original and precisely the same scope of protection are maintained. A cooperation of scientists and patent attorneys guarantees that all technical and legal nuances are captured and retained in translation.
The quality of the translations of granted European patents, for the purpose of their validation in member states, is very important, especially in the light of Article 7 of the Act of 14 March 2003 on filing of European patent applications and the effects of European patents in the Republic of Poland.
Article 7
- The translation of the European patent, referred to in Article 6(2) and (3), shall be published by the Patent Office immediately after it has been received by the Office, the date of publication by the European patent Office of the mention of the grant of the European patent being published as well.
- In the event of the translation of the European patent, referred to in Article 6(2), conferring narrower protection than the one conferred by the patent in the language of the proceedings before the European patent Office, the translation of the European patent shall, except for invalidity proceedings against a European patent, be regarded as authentic text.
- The proprietor of a European patent may, at any time, file a corrected translation which, subject to the provisions of section 4, shall not have any legal effect until published by the Patent Office. The provision of section 1 above shall apply accordingly.
- Any person who in good faith is using or has made effective and serious preparations for using an invention the use of which does not constitute infringement of the European patent referred to in section 2 above, may, after the date of publication of the corrected translation, continue such use in the course of his business or for the needs thereof without payment.
We offer competitive rates for validation of European patents in Poland and, what is also important, very competitive flat rate for subsequent maintenance of patent by annual payment. If you wish to receive our full price list, please e-mail us at brandpat@brandpat.pl.